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Ano: 2006
Gênero: Trash Metal
Duração total: --:--
Idioma: Inglês
Formato: Torrent/Iso
Gravadora: Emi Music
Tamanho do(s) torrent(s): 158 e 135 Kb
Tamanho do(s) arquivo(s): 3,93 e 3,34 Gb
1. Peace Sells…
2. Peace Sells
3. Interview, 1986
4. Wake Up Dead
5. Penelope Spheeris Intro
6. In My Darkest Hour
7. So Far, So Good…
8. Anarchy in the U.K.
9. No More Mr. Nice Guy
10. Marty Friedman Audition
11. Rust in Peace
12. On the Clash of the Titans Tour, 1990
13. Holy Wars…
14. Mission Megadeth: Headbangers Ball
15. Hangar 18
16. Go to Hell
17. Rock the Vote
18. Countdown to Extinction
19. Symphony of Destruction
20. Symphony of Destruction
21. Skin o´ My Teeth
22. High Speed Dirt
23. Foreclosure of a Dream
24. A Day in the Life of Hollywood 1992
25. Sweating Bullets
Senha do arquivo: www.rocks-file.blogspot.com
1. Evolver
2. Train Of Consequences
3. Raw Footage From Train Video Shoot
4. Youthanasia
5. Interview
6. Night Of The Living Megadeth
7. MTV Most Watend
8. Interview
9. A Tout Le Monde
10. Interview
11. Reckoning Day
12. Cryptic Writings
13. Trust
14. Cryptic TV
15. Almost Honest
16. A Secret Place
17. Argentina
18. The Drew Carey Show
19. Risk
20. Insomnia
21. Sweating Bullets
22. Peace Sells
23. Youthanasia Album Cover Shoot
Senha do arquivo: www.rocks-file.blogspot.com
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