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Ano: 1999
Gênero: Hard Rock
Duração total: 133 Minutos (soma)
Idioma: Inglês
Formato: MP3
Gravadora: Geffen
Tamanho: 54,3 Mb e 66,3 Mb
1. Nightrain
2. Mr. Brownstone
3. It's So Easy
4. Welcome to the Jungle
5. Dust N' Bones
6. My Michelle
7. You're Crazy
8. Used to Love Her
9. Patience
10. It's Alright
11. November Rain
1. Out ta Get Me
2. Pretty Tied Up
3. Yesterdays
4. Move to the City
5. You Could Be Mine
6. Rocket Queen
7. Sweet Child o' Mine
8. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
9. Don't Cry
10. Estranged
11. Paradise City